Empowering Biopharmaceutical Innovation

Our Experience.
Advancing Your Vision.

Tanvex’s commitment to transparent collaboration and innovative thinking defines us as your partner in transforming ideas into impactful biopharmaceutical treatments. Our capabilities extend to both mammalian and microbial derived biologics and biosimilars. Explore each capability’s dedicated page to uncover how Tanvex can support and guide your journey to success.

Laboratory worker looking at equipment
 Tech Transfer

Tech Transfer

Seamlessly transitioning your processes from the lab to large-scale production is a cornerstone of success. Our proven tech transfer procedures ensure that your innovations are transitioned flawlessly, maintaining the integrity of your product performance and safety.

A laboratory worker using equipment used in cell line development services
 Cell Line Development

Cell Line Development

The foundation of any successful biopharmaceutical is a robust cell line. The Tanvex cell line development team offers both microbial and mammalian cell line development services to propel your product from concept to reality.

A person using equipment used in mammalian manufacturing services
 Mammalian Process Development

Mammalian Process Development

 Unlock the potential of mammalian cell-based biologics and biosimilars with our tailored process development strategies. From optimization to scalability, we’re dedicated to maximizing productivity and quality while minimizing costs. Having successfully commercialized our own product and having filed multiple BLAs with regulatory agencies, our experienced team can help you mitigate potential regulatory hurdles and accelerate your product to the patients in need.   

Two people working in a laboratory setting in Tanvex's GMP CDMO facility
 Microbial Process Development

Microbial Process Development

Leverage the efficiency of microbial systems with our expert process development approaches. Tanvex optimizes microbial bioprocessing to create innovative solutions that bring your products to market faster and more affordably.

Three people in a laboratory setting using large equipment
 Analytical Development

Analytical Development

Expedited development of biopharmaceuticals requires a sound analytical development, testing and characterization strategy. Our analytical experts apply phase-appropriate method  qualification or validation, and our state-of-the-art analytical technologies and bioassay capabilities enable us to perform thorough product characterization to deliver a comprehensive understanding of your product’s mechanism of action and degradation pathway enabling you to successfully advance through different clinical phases.

A person in laboratory clothing using the Uncle unchained screening platform system
 Formulation and Drug Product Development

Formulation and Drug Product Development

 Transforming your biologic drug substance into a safely deliverable, stable, and cost-effective drug product is no easy task and requires a combination of art and science. Tanvex’s formulation team expertly applies this approach to resolve complex development solutions utilizing our precise and high-throughput capabilities. This, coupled with an in-depth understanding of pharmaceutical principles allows the evaluation of all aspects of drug product development, from formulation to commercialization.

Photo of team members in a board room representing project management services
 Project Management

Project Management

Navigating the complexities of biopharmaceutical development demands an experienced hand. Our dedicated project management team orchestrates each step, ensuring timelines are met, risks are mitigated, and your vision becomes reality.

Interested in learning more?

Contact us today!